Special Churches



Taiwan, ← North and South Korea, ← China, ↖ Russia
中部地方 (Chūbu)
名古屋 (Nagoya), 愛知県

Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul (Nunoike Church) Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul (Nunoike Church) Locate

新潟 (Niigata), 新潟県

Cathedral of Christ the King (Niigata Church) Cathedral of Christ the King (Niigata Church) Locate

中国地方 (Chūgoku)
広島 (Hiroshima), 広島県

Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary (Noboricho Church) Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary (Noboricho Church) Locate

北海道 (Hokkaidō)
函館 (Hakodate), 北海道

Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Motomachi Church) Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Motomachi Church) Locate

札幌 (Sapporo), 北海道

Cathedral of the Guardian Angels (Kitaiciho Church) Cathedral of the Guardian Angels (Kitaiciho Church) Locate

関西地方 (Kansai)
京都 (Kyoto), 京都府

Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier (Kawaramachi Church) Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier (Kawaramachi Church) Locate

西宮 (Nishinomiya), 兵庫県

Former Cathedral of St. Therese (Shukugawa Church) Former Cathedral of St. Therese (Shukugawa Church) Locate

大阪 (Osaka), 大阪府

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tamatsukuri Church) Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tamatsukuri Church) Locate

関東地方 (Kantō)
東京 (Tokyo), 東京都

Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception (Sekiguchi Church) Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception (Sekiguchi Church) Locate

Former Cathedral of St. Joseph Former Cathedral of St. Joseph Locate

浦和 (Urawa), 埼玉県

Cathedral of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus (Urawa Church) Cathedral of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus (Urawa Church) Locate

横浜 (Yokohama), 神奈川県

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Yamate Church) Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (Yamate Church) Locate

九州 (Kyūshū)
鹿児島 (Kagoshima), 鹿児島県

Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier (Xavier Church) Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier (Xavier Church) Locate

久賀島 (Kuga Island), 長崎県

旧五輪教会堂 旧五輪教会堂 Locate

中通島 (Nakadori Island), 長崎県

頭ヶ島教会(聖ヨセフ) 頭ヶ島教会(聖ヨセフ) Locate

奈留島 (Naru Island), 長崎県

江上教会(聖ヨゼフ) 江上教会(聖ヨゼフ) Locate

天草 (Amakusa), 熊本県

崎津教会(イエスのみ心) 崎津教会(イエスのみ心) Locate

福岡 (Fukuoka), 福岡県

Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory (Daimyomachi Church) Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory (Daimyomachi Church) Locate

黒島 (Kuroshima Island), 長崎県

黒島教会(イエスのみ心) 黒島教会(イエスのみ心) Locate

長崎 (Nagasaki), 長崎県

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Urakami Church) Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Urakami Church) Locate

Basilica of the Twenty-Six Holy Martyrs of Japan (Oura Church) Basilica of the Twenty-Six Holy Martyrs of Japan (Oura Church) Locate

大野教会(ロザリオの聖母) 大野教会(ロザリオの聖母) Locate

出津教会(至聖なるイエズスの聖心) 出津教会(至聖なるイエズスの聖心) Locate

National Shrine of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Japan National Shrine of the Twenty-Six Martyrs of Japan Locate

那覇 (Naha), 沖縄県

Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Kainan Church) Cathedral of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Kainan Church) Locate

大分 (Ōita), 大分県

Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier (Oita Church) Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier (Oita Church) Locate

四国 (Shikoku)
高松 (Takamatsu), 香川県

Co-Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Sakuramachi Church) Co-Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Sakuramachi Church) Locate

東北地方 (Tōhoku)
仙台 (Sendai), 宮城県

Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul (Motoderakoji Church) Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul (Motoderakoji Church) Locate

See Also

Cathedrals in Japan

Basilicas in Japan

National Shrines in Japan

World Heritage Churches in Japan

All Churches in Japan

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